Saturday, December 20, 2014

Kissing Snow White


Article by Jack Diven

So I have realized that I like to write in the wee hours of the morning when my wonderful wife has not yet awoken from what seems to be her eternal and legendary slumber... 

Sometimes I would be sure that I am married to Snow White! And then, just as prince charming goes in for the kiss that will bring his one and only true love back into consciousness...

I am quickly reminded that my wife is alive and well, she is only hibernating and not to be disturbed unless I want to drop down a few notches in the food chain!

When you get married, you may find that one of you is a morning person to the extreme, and the other is... well... NOT!........ to the EXTREME!

This makes for some interesting morning situations to say the least. I think sometimes God sits on His throne and just absolutely laughs hysterically at the situations He puts us in.

Anyway, for those of us that are the extreme morning people, in my 3 and a half months of marriage experience, I have so very graciously put together a few tips to creatively get your spouse out of bed in the morning.

I would not be so bold to claim that they work, but hey... I'm calling it... a process. 

The first tip would be to make the coffee exactly the way your spouse likes it and bring it to them before they get out of bed. You know... maybe the smell and the caffeine will somehow make them more vulnerable to your coercing in the mornings. 

Although, to this point, this coffee tactic (and yes I say tactic because this has become a tactical art form for me) has seemed to taste more like poison to her at this point in the morning! That or cherry NyQuil!

The next creative tip would be to sweetly... sorta... pet your spouse's arm 
(remember they are hibernating!) and speak kind words to them while still ultimately steering the conversation toward them awakening for the morning. I have found that THIS WORKS!!! 

That is until you come into the climax of your buttering up and you reveal that you have deep, sinister motives to wake them up behind all of your sweet talk tactics! How dare you!!!

                She says, "I sorry, I Sweeepy"! (Note to self, maybe Chick-fil-a will work)

"I have the sweetest, most wonderful husband ever... after 8 AM" Kayla Diven

Tip # 3, and this is coming from my wife, (although I still have serious doubts that this will work) You can take the coffee making up a notch and make your spouse breakfast in bed. 

a declaimer so that I am not liable for any law suits...


On a more serious note, as dangerous as it may be, make sure that you are sensitive with the needs of your spouse! There may be some kind of reason that doesn't allow them to wake up quite as easily as you do. Although I cannot imagine what that might be! ;)



P.S. I accidentally pushed the space bar between "newly" and "wed" on multiple occasions on my last blog... accident, total accident!

Gem of the day:            Take a look Tim Tebow's newest endeavor!


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