GOTCHA! sorry mom!
GOTCHA! sorry mom!
Article by Jack Diven
Sometimes writing a blog is a lot like finding interesting things for a newspaper article. Your always thinking about what your next topic is going to be. Sometimes you make a cup of coffee turn on a movie and scratch your head wondering... what the heck am I going to write about?
Well... right now would be one of those times, soooo long awkward pause while I think of a topic...
Ah yeah... thats it... Babies! Where did that one come from? Where do they come from?
I mean seriously there is some real fear in me about the monstrosities that Kayla and I may possibly bring into this world. Ask yourself, would you be hesitant to have a baby if your child was going to be a mixture of this?
and this...
Ya see what I mean!?!? GOOD! Now that we are on the same page, you can understand where I am coming from when I say that it would not be good for my overall health and walk with Jesus to bring a baby looking like that into the world.
(now lets be honest, you saw the pictures, little Jack will inevitably have a block head, and maybe some dumbo ears. I mean I look like some kind of advanced species from another planet. Talk about ammunition.)
I mean, do diapers with filled with mushy baby food that has gone through human disposal process really sound that awesome? Some people seem to think so! Possibly even worse than that is the thought of waking up every hour on the hour to clean up that atomic waste! All these things are only amplified by the fact that my infant child will more than likely be able to operate an iPhone with such skill that they will be parenting me! I mean at that point there will probably be a reverse gravity app that allows my infant child to fly.
After a few months of these reoccurring themes, the pressure mounts and becomes overwhelming. I go so insane that they decide to put me in a mental institution. I begin to grow a long white beard, wear a skin tight white tank-top with pizza grease on it sporting my new shapely belly. When I get out I spend the remainder of my days out in the country with an added walking stick and pointy hat coupled with my long white beard believing I am some kind of Gandalf prodege`.
Do you see how dangerous having a kid can be?
I love to joke about having kids. I already needed to apologize to my wife for this one. But in all honesty, I truly do want to have kids some day, it has always been a dream of mine. I know that Kayla is going to be the greatest mother in the entire world! Yet still, in light of all the scenarios that play out in my head when it comes to having children, I may need some convincing.
If you have kids, how have they been a blessing in your life? Any tips that you can give us so that neither of us ends up practicing magic out in the country somewhere in Montana?
I hope this article finds you well and gives you a laugh to start your day.
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I've had a lot of aspirations in my life. There's a lot that I want to be and do. But there's nothing I am more proud of, more privileged by, more challenged by, more inspired by, or more blessed by than being a father.
ReplyDeleteEveryone always tells you, "You just won't know until you become a parent." That statement could not be more true. There is no way to communicate this feeling. You just won't know until it happens. On the other side of that statement in my life, I constantly say, "I didn't get it. I get it now."
Is it easy? Absolutely not. Like I said, it's the most challenging thing I have ever done. I have never been this tired. I have never been this scared. But is it worth it? Absolutely. My daughter is my treasure and I love her more than my own life.
Is being a parent for everyone? Absolutely not. I encounter parents all of the time that I'm pretty sure never wanted to be parents. If you feel that God does not intend for you to be a parent, that is between you, your wife, and God. (But be prepared that people will forever ask "When are you guys going to have kids." It will never stop.)
More than anything else, being a father has helped me to more fully grasp the love of God. The feelings I have for my daughter or so inexplicable. I can't communicate it. I look her in the eye every day and speak slowly, with feeling, "I LOVE YOU." She doesn't understand yet. She doesn't say it back. But she knows it because I protect her and guide her. She knows that I am here for her. I haven't always understood when God is telling me that He loves me, but I've felt it through His providence. Moreover, if how I feel about my daughter is even an inkling of how God feels about me, His love is immeasurable. Also, I more empathetically comprehend the sacrifice that God made by giving up His only son to die for me.
And lastly, the title of article was so wrong. It's like when you get someone's voicemail where their recorded message starts with "Hello" followed by a pause. It was so excited for you guys, and I barely know you!
God bless you and your marriage, and the future of your family.
Hey Brian,
DeleteI just want to say that I think your a great dad, it's obvious just how much you love your daughter, I respect that a great deal! Meeting your family was a great blessing, we had a blast.
It seems that it's possible that you have taken things that I have said in the article personally, that I hurt your feelings. If that is so I apologize. This blog is meant to be completely fun and games and we typically post things that are just out of this world crazy.
Most of the time (including this article) we are completely joking on ourselves. Specifically to this article, the type of crazy kids that Kayla and I may have one day.
As far as having kids someday, I definitely plan on it and feel as if The Lord has given us a desire for them. We just like to have our laughs along the way.
Overall, I think your comment was super insightful. Thanks for letting us know.
- Jack
2 on earth and 4 in heaven 😀 all I can say is God starts you out small and gives you need every step of the way as a parent. Not to mention, with a kid or two you will have plenty to blog about😮