Saturday, February 14, 2015

5 Things For A 'Legen... wait for it... dary' Honeymoon!


Article by Jack Diven

I just want to say... Opening Day for Major League Baseball is in exactly 52 days, 5 hours and 45 minutes away from the time I am writing this post! I absolutely LOVE baseball, but what does that have to do with a honeymoon you ask???

Well it just so happens that the greatest night of my entire life was on my honeymoon! I spent that night at a legen...wait for it...dary Yankee game, at least legendary to me. I will never forget walking into that immaculate baseball cathedral with tears in my eyes and awe on my lips. My new wife had gotten me an incredible surprise to go to New York and to Yankee stadium as our wedding present. As you can see, my wife gave me an incredible honeymoon for more than just one reason ;) ... there's more to the story for the greatest night of my life, but I'll spare you the details. 

The point is that are a TON  of factors that can make or break your honeymoon experience, and since we plan for only one honeymoon, The NewlyWed News wants to make sure that you hit it out of the park! Oh yeah... I said it! 

1. Don't Settle

When Kayla and I were deciding where we wanted to go on our honeymoon, we went back and forth so many times on the places that we wanted to go and eventually landed on the idea of a cruise. There was only one problem with that, we didn't really want to go on a cruise. It took a bop on the head from my Dad, telling me what I am about to tell you. "It's your only honeymoon... pick out a place that you really want to go, and figure out a way to make it happen." This is your only honeymoon! While it is exponentially important that you have a good grip on your finances when you get married, it's also very important that you have a great time on your honeymoon. When my dad bestowed this incredible wisdom upon us we realized that we were about to make a big mistake, so we decided not to sell ourselves short and went to Canada to see Niagara Falls and to New York City to see the Yankees play. It was one of the greatest decisions we ever made. Our honeymoon was like a dream.

Disclaimer: Kayla and I do not recommend going into debt to fund the honeymoon of your dreams.

Kayla and I also thought about going to Chile to go skiing, this trip would have cost almost $8000. The last thing you need as a newly wed couple coming home from your honeymoon is a new credit card payment with thousands of dollars accruing interest at what is really like a 20% rate. Talk about a smack back into reality. 

Kayla and I recommend that you figure out where really want to go, have a good plan about how to get there, hustle and pay cash upfront for your big vacation. That may seem crazy but trust me it is possible. Kayla and I did need to use a Jet Blue credit card to book everything, but we had the money to pay it back almost immediately. 

2. Have Money

So this sounds kinda obvious... I mean, who goes on a honeymoon without money. Here's where I am going with this, possibly even more important than where we went (which we went to awesome places), was the fact that we had that money to do anything that we wanted to do. We lived like earthly kings and queens for a week and we think you should too! All the things that Kayla and I never really got to experience as kids due to financial limitations, we made up for on our honeymoon. We spared no expense! We got room service, we went to 5 star restaurants, and sat behind the dugout at the Yankee game and ate whatever we wanted. Don't spend all your money on the place you want to go, remember you gotta live it up while you are there. 

3. Throw a Lingerie Party

That's right guys, lean in for this one. Can you possibly imagine anything greater than people just giving your wife super expensive clothing to make THE big night just right! I can't! And ladies... you like clothes don't you? In all seriousness these parties are a great way to have fun with your friends and make sure that your honeymoon is a heck of a lot of fun. I will go no further...

4. Have a Married Friend Put Together a "Fun" Bag For You

Again, I will elect not to elaborate too terribly much on this... what you do need to know is that there are some things that you may not know about your first night as husband and wife. We were lucky enough to have a friend help us out and make sure that we were totally taken care of for the night we had been waiting for. Talk to some good married folk, and ask em to help you out. 

5. Be Cleaned Up & Moved In

When Kayla and I went on our honeymoon we had most of my stuff moved in to the home we live in, but... our house was a wreck! I can remember driving home and dreading the fact that we were going to get smacked back into the reality of life by walking into a home that was messy due to the stress and time that it takes to plan a wedding. Thankfully, we have the absolute best friends in the world who cleaned our home from top to bottom while we were on our honeymoon, and we came back to a spotless house. It was a huge relief! Make sure that you won't be walking straight from easy street to a messy home that looks like a tornado just swept through. It was such an cool moment when we got to our house for the very first time. I can remember thinking... "We did it, we are finally married, we are finally on our own."

Have fun guys! 



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