Article by Jack Diven
So here I am, 4:50 AM, doing what I always do when I am awoken prematurely from my slumber before the brink of day... writing a blog to you sleeping jerks! Except my mom... she is more than likely awake on her own terms, she's not a jerk.
Anyway, at least while my creative juices are flowing, I thought I would share a little foresight into your marriage for you dating folk. For those of you that are married, just sit back, relax, have a few laughs, and remember what you didn't know before you were married. Hey ho here goes!
You didn't know that...
1. You were Selfish.
I have found that when I was single, I did what was natural, I thought only about myself. When you get married you are to put the needs of your spouse in front of your own and that is no small feat. Think about it, you are trying to reverse a lifelong habit of selfish tendencies.
2. If You Didn't Like Coffee, You Do Now
I hated coffee before I got married. I would hardly even taste it. Then, next thing you know, I'm sucking down coffee like a kid with some Koolaid on a hot summer day. Morning responsibility comes ailing when you get married, on most occasions, even the morningest of morning persons like myself need a pick-me-up in the morning. Since being married, I have become something of a barista!
3. It Would Be Hard
There is no way that I could have known how hard marriage could be... in fact, I am quite sure that I still have no idea how hard it can be. I can also say that it is one of the very best things that have ever happened to me. I wouldn't change it for the world. If you aren't married, don't be scarred of marriage, don't be scared of commitment. If you are thinking of marriage you had better have your ducks in a row. I believe that God will grow you in ways that you can't even imagine.
4. You Would Like Law & Order
Before I was married and I lived with my parents, they would watch Law & Order all the time. Of course I'm thinking to myself, that's for old people. Well... now I'm thinking it's just for married people! In fact, I am watching it as I write this... unashamed! #GoBenson #Mariska #That'srightdad...Mariska
5. Money Doesn't Grow On Trees
Now I am quite sure that you dating folk have at least heard this phrase before, more than likely from your parents. When you get married, you learn quick how tough it can be to make your own money and provide for your own family. Remember what you will be giving up when you get married... you'll hopefully be giving up on the money tree that is your parents. At least you should be, your parents aren't doing you any favors if your married and they are still paying for your lifestyle. It's a healthy thing to learn how to earn your own living and provide for your own family.
6. How To Cook
Thank God that my wife knows how... That's all I'm saying about my cooking skills. Although, I have learned how to grill a mean steak. I think that runs in the family.
7. You Would Want A Truck So So Bad
Ok admittedly, this one is personal to me, however, I think some of my guys may back me up on this. I WANT A TRUCK! When you get married the temptation will be to get a nice, safe, reliable car with great gas milage. My wife and brain say yes but my heart cries insurmountable tears at the thought of it and just wants to get the first clunker pickup on the side of the road that I see. Anybody with me? Nothing makes you feel like more of a man then hopping in your good ole boy, Merican made pickup, rolling down your manuel windows, and jamming out to some country music while your fingers feel the summer breeze created by your man machine.
8. You Would Love As Much As You Do.
I love my wife so much. So much more than I ever could have imagined before I was married, and even so much more than on my wedding day. That love is a choice. We have to choose to love our spouses more and more everyday. I think it will be surprising to you how much your ability to love someone will grow when you find the right person.
Peace out friends. Blessings.
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