Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Teamwork Trials With Your Wife


Article by Jack Diven

As some of you can imagine, marriage takes a TON of teamwork! I have been on somewhere around 50 different sports teams since I was two years old and let me tell you... I am so so so so glad that I was!

 Still, with all that experience, on all those different teams, I can't say that any of them quite prepared me for my newest endeavor on this Newlywed escapade.

So you really want to know this risky undertaking that my wife and I have embarked on? You really wanna know?

I don't think your ready...


well here it comes... (whispers)

we decided too... put up...


Whew... there I said it. 

What!? That doesn't sound so bad to you eh? Well well well my friend, let me try to articulate this incredible feat in a way that does not end up in my undoing.

Putting up... home appliances, with your spouse can be one of the most dangerous things you can do, but, if you think you can survive, it just happens to be something that really builds the teamwork aspect of your marriage. It is where patience, persistence, near death experience and teamwork all collide. And at the end, you may have a working light fixture! 

Thinking about taking this kind of adventure on with your wife? Well then, I admire your ambitious spirit. Let me just give you a brief description of my experience before you go all in.

Imagine, two dogs training for some kind of olymipic triathlon in a small 10 x 10 office space, while two highly opinionated people are hosted up a few feet off the ground by only fairly stable seating objects, while trying to hang up an object dangling from a few ill placed wires using poorly illustrated instructions, all while some deranged tiger looking creature that used to be your lovely wife is breathing heavily down your neck surely considering you for her next meal.

A little much... well... I'd like to see you try it!

After all that, the you see the light at the end of tunnel (the light fixture is actually on) all you have to do is put the final screws in, but somehow, confusion sets in, and all the sudden you cannot quite remember what way to twist the screws.

Then, your mutant tiger thing says, "lefty loosie, righty tighty"! 

HOW DARE SHE! After all, I am 22 years old, I'm a man, and I have sure put up my fair share of home appliances long before your beautiful tiger women self came around! Am I right!?

All Hell breaks loose, the foretold apocalyptic war begins, and I would rather all that truly happen than to have to say these next few words that taste like poison even now as I type them.

Sweetheart, you are right. (ya hear that one guys?)

Ladies, a picture of our 'pride' after this bitter revelation. For your pleasure... if our pride was a picture.

Ouch... talk about a blow to masculine self-esteem. 

Soooo... believe it or not setting up home appliances with your wife is great practice for great teamwork. I will say that I had to exhaust incredible amounts of a patience and diligence to work together with her in this area.

I have found in my experience, that us men don't even like to ask women for help in areas such as these. Although I can understand it because... well... I'm a man, but now it amazes me because I have found that my wife is a huge help with this stuff. I also get things done way faster!

Not to mention that it's something you can do together which is always good!

So men, lay down the pride, ask for some help... it's not that bad! (only a little bit) 
After all, looking like Jim Carry for a spell can be quite humorous!



Gem of the day 
Check out this blog from Corie Clark! We found it very insightful, especially for our family! ;)

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